Having little kids, I know that maintaining toys can be a real challenge. Having a playroom is every mom and kids’ dream. But how do you make sure your playroom is kid-friendly but not over the top as well as functional and organized? Read on to find out. These tips do not only have to be applied to a full size playroom. Whether you keep your toys in your living room or your kids bedroom, follow these tips to create an amazing playspace your kids will enjoy!
1. Speak to your kids
Since your kids will be the primary users of this space, take their input into account. You might not be able to fulfill everything on their wishlist, but do whatever you can. If your kids favorite color is pink, you don’t need to paint the walls pink but you can do something less permanent like a pink pillow.
2. Add a rug
If you’ve read my other posts, you know I love rugs! Here are some great ones.They help to ground a space and make it feel cozy. Especially in a playroom, you want the floor space to be cozy since your kids will be spending a lot of time playing there. A patterned rug will help to camouflage any (inevitable) spills.
3. Storage
Adding functional storage is key to creating a functional play space. If you have closets, you are good to go. If not, I like cube shelves since they are affordable and make organizing toys simple.

4. Organization
On to organization. Toys make a big mess and you need to have an easy to use system if you want the kids to clean up. If you have a closet for toys, the best way to organize is with clear plastic bins and you can find all the details here. If there is no closet in your space, then as I mentioned above, cube shelves are a great solution. Don’t forget to use labels or pictures so that everything makes it back into the right spot. Every so often, go through your toys and purge the ones that are broken or not age appropriate. There is only a finite amount of space in your home. Therefore, since you are likely getting new toys every so often, you want to make sure that you are also getting rid of toys that are no longer of use.

5. Create Different Zones
If your kids have varied interests that don’t necessarily fit into bins, create a few zones to contain the mess. For example, create a reading area, an art area, a lego table and a kitchen area. This way, the mess will (for the most part) stay in that area instead of spreading out all over.

6. Keep Kids in Mind
When choosing products for your play space, choose things that are kid-friendly. Don’t choose a light couch that will get dirty easily or delicate furniture pieces. Your kids are using this space so it will get ruined. Instead, just keep this in mind from the beginning and you won’t be disappointed.

7. Make it fun!
Last but not least, don’t get too bogged down by the details. This is a room that’s meant for fun after all!
Any other play space ideas? Let me know in the space below!
I recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.