A medicine cabinet can become a black hole for all those medicines you used once and then never needed again. An organized medicine cabinet is super helpful in order to know what you have and what else you might need, especially in the winter. Here are some simple tips and tricks to help you tackle this project.

1. Take Everything Out
As in any organizing project, you want to start by taking everything out. This is so that you can see what you have and what needs to be thrown out.

2. Clean
Wipe down the area so you can start with a clean slate.
3. Categorize
Choose categories that make sense for your family and what medicines you have. In my medicine closet, I have 4 categories:
- Pain relief/Nausea
- Allergy/Cold
- Kids Medicines
- First Aid
Take this opportunity to throw out anything old or that you no longer use. Also, if you keep other toiletries in the same spot as your medicine, you’ll want to label these as well. I also have the following:
- Teeth-for extra toothbrushes and toothpaste
- Hair-for all hairspray and hair products
- Nails-for all nail clippers, nail polish, and polish remover
- Skin-for sunscreen and extra moisturizers, razors, etc.

4. Measure the Space
Don’t skip this step! Measuring is super important so that you can take advantage of every inch. These are the baskets I currently use in my medicine cabinet. I like these because they are narrow and the perfect size to fit medicines for my family of 4. They are also stackable which is a nice bonus.
5. Sort
Put all medicines and toiletries into the right bins.
6. Label
Last but not least, labeling! If you don’t label, you won’t know what goes where. Especially when there are multiple people in your family taking things out and putting them away, it needs to be labeled so they will end up in the right place. I used this Dymo label maker for these labels. Or you can use these chalkboard labels.

And that’s it! Wishing you a healthy winter season!

I recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.