In the spirit of Pesach, we’re going to continue with our cleaning guides. And I have some great products to make your life much easier! So keep reading to find out more.

If you have read any of my other blog articles, you know that I love rugs and I think everyone should have at least one in their home. Click here to find out more about rugs. A rug does so much to pull a room together and adds so much coziness. However, they can attract lots of dirt and crumbs and other lovely things. So, let’s go through how to clean your rug. (And if you don’t have one yet, definitely run and get one :)) Please note that for wool or antique rugs, you should consult a professional.
1. Vacuum
Thoroughly vacuum the rug on both sides and make sure all dust, dirt and debris are gone. Vacuuming your rug or carpet on a regular basis helps to maintain it and increases the lifespan. This is because dirt can damage the carpet or rug fibers. Personally, I hate vacuuming so a few years ago for my birthday, my husband bought me this robo-vacuum. I was so excited. I’m obviously super old if my ideal birthday present is a vacuum cleaner :). Now, I vacuum my rug almost every night with pretty much zero effort on my part. It’s one of my favorite cleaning tools!
Another tool I really like for deodorizing carpets and rugs is this glade carpet freshener. It makes your whole house smell amazing! All you have to do is sprinkle it (lightly!) over your carpet, let it sit and then vacuum.

2. Spot Clean
As I said in my post about cleaning your couch, I always like to keep a bottle of upholstery cleaner (like this one) nearby so I can spray stains as soon as they arrive. The faster you get to the stain, the more likely it will go away. Use your upholstery cleaner by following the directions on the label. Usually, the instructions will be to spray the stain, wait a little bit and then blot with a cloth (white is best to prevent color transfer.) You can also use a toothbrush to really scrub. Keep repeating this process until all stains are gone. Always test in an inconspicuous area first.
3. Rotate
To extend the lifetime of your rug, rotate it every so often. This will help avoid worn spots. You can stop at this point but if you feel that your rug could use a deeper clean, move on to step 4.
4. Deep Clean
You can use a ready made carpet cleaner like this one by Scotchgard, or you can make your own with warm water and little bit of dish soap. Put the cleaner into a spray bottle and spray all over your carpet or rug. Let it sit and then spray with water. Blot with dry towels to remove as much moisture as possible. Let air dry thoroughly.
Next, sit back and relax knowing that your rug is now super clean!

I recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.