5 Tips on How to Survive Your Kitchen Renovation

Redoing your kitchen can make your dream kitchen come to life. You can choose new colors, more storage, and options that will change your life, (or at least, your cooking life!) However, the road to getting there isn’t always so smooth. A kitchen renovation means living without a kitchen for a minimum of a few weeks, in some cases, a few months. If your dream of a new kitchen has you sold on a renovation, read on to find out how to make the process as straightforward as possible!

four gray bar stools in front of kitchen countertop

1. Display your kitchen moodboard.

Or whatever visual representation you have of your kitchen. This will help you focus on the end result and knowing that all this is worth it.

2. Set up a temporary kitchen.

Your temporary kitchen should preferably be near a sink if that’s at all possible. You can use a folding table to put all your essential appliances. Below are some that serve multiple uses

  • Coffee maker-can be used to boil water for instant soups etc, Can also be used to make coffee (since we all know that’s a necessity!)
  • Toaster oven-can basically replace your regular oven for the short term. Use it to bake cookies, make pizza, basically anything you would do in your oven.
  • Betty Crocker pizza maker-now this little machine is a jack of all trades. Use it to make pasta, pizza, eggs, pancakes and even burgers and chicken. For more info on this, click here.
  • Grill-if the weather is nice, use your grill to make a barbeque. You won’t even feel your kitchen’s absence 🙂

Use plastic Sterilite drawers under your folding table to keep plastic plates, cups, cutlery, and whatever kitchen utensils you may need.

3. Prepare a basic menu.

This is not the time to make your fanciest meals. Make up a very basic menu of things that it’s still possible for you to make in your makeshift kitchen. Keep in mind that the way you normally prepare food will definitely shift. You may need to go grocery shopping more often or eat takeout once a week. Whatever will work for you during this hectic time. Keep reminding yourself, the end result will be worth it!

4. Stock instant and ready-to-eat foods.

Such as instant soups, bagels, granola bars, nuts, dried fruit-whatever floats your boat. Try to stock healthy options so that you’re still eating well (as well as you possibly can that is!)

5. Be patient.

Be kind to yourself during this crazy time. A remodel can be stressful and full of surprises (not always the good kind!) Be okay with the fact that you may not be eating as healthy as you normally would or that takeout has seemingly become a permanent fixture in your life. Stay calm and think about the amazing kitchen you will be able to enjoy for years to come!

Are you ready to take the plunge and remodel your kitchen? Let’s work together to bring your dream kitchen to life.

I recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. 

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